If you get in a bicycle accident that causes injuries, you may wonder if your insurance will cover your medical bills. Most people consider their health insurance first, but if you don’t have that or your deductible is high, Personal Injury Protection or MedPay might help.

What Does PIP Cover?

For drivers who live in no-fault states, PIP through their auto insurance is mandatory. The minimum coverage amount varies by state, and insurance providers determine coverage limits. Policyholders can receive protection for injuries in the following scenarios:

  • Collisions with other vehicles 
  • Collisions with other bicycles
  • Collisions with pedestrians
  • Collisions with bicycles or vehicles when policyholders are pedestrians

Drivers who have excellent health insurance in no-fault states or those living in regions without PIP requirements may opt for the minimum amount of PIP, but should remember that this insurance can assist with expenses other than medical bills. For example, PIP also covers lost wages, essential services, psychiatric care, rehabilitation, funeral services, and survivors’ benefits.

What Does MedPay Cover?

As the term implies, MedPay covers medical expenses. It is optional coverage in nearly all states and can protect bicycle riders who sustain injuries in accidents with vehicles. MedPay does not provide the range of benefits available through PIP, but it can be useful for individuals who do not have health insurance. For individuals with high-deductible health insurance policies, a significant advantage of MedPay is that it does not have deductibles or copays, making it an excellent option to pay for those health insurance fees. Although each state has specific rules that dictate coverage, traditional health insurance provides primary coverage in most cases.

Drivers who frequently ride their bicycles in heavy traffic conditions or urban areas are at a higher risk for severe injuries and may want to purchase MedPay supplemental insurance to pay for medical bills that exceed PIP plans’ coverage limits.

Do You Need Both?

PIP and MedPay coverage frequently overlap. Drivers in no-fault states may find that PIP is enough to protect them from high medical bills they incur from a bicycle accident, especially if they choose a threshold that exceeds the minimum requirement.

When you ride a bicycle in heavy traffic, it is crucial to take extensive precautions to avoid accidents; however, the right insurance policy can help prevent your bills from piling up if you do have an accident. In circumstances when a bicycle accident leaves you with extensive injuries, it is critical to speak with an experienced lawyer, like a personal injury lawyer from Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, to help you obtain the highest compensation possible.

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